Farage is Deep State 4

James Delingpole explains why Nigel Farage and his Reform Party are no more a genuine alternative to the Conservative Party than Labour or the Liberal Democrats:

I don’t trust Nigel Farage. But that doesn’t mean he is wrong on everything. He is not wrong, for example, when he says that the Russian incursion into Eastern Ukraine was provoked by the West. Nor is he wrong that the only acceptable solution is a negotiated peace settlement.

But that still doesn’t mean we should trust him. This is the same man who, during the fake Covid pandemic helped promote the psyop by allowing himself to be filmed banging his pots and pans for ‘Our NHS’. And the same man who urged that Tony Blair should be put in charge of the operation to roll out those safe and effective vaccines now bowling over his constituency like ninepins.

So what are we to make of it when so blatant and slippery an Establishment change agent suddenly spouts something that makes such obvious sense? Are we to go – as so many Reform voters are saying – “Well he may not be perfect. But at least he’s preferable to the Sunak/Starmer uniparty.”

No, he is not. For Farage, too, is a card-carrying member of the Sunak/Starmer uniparty. His role is merely to offer the gullible the illusion that the rigged voting system offers any alternative other than the uniparty.

Delingpole’s point is not that one should vote Tory instead of Reform. His point is that it doesn’t matter for whom an Englishman votes, because all of the Establishment parties are under the control and guidance of precisely the same global satanists.

Democracy, particularly in its limited representative form, is nothing more than a sham meant to prevent the volatile public from knowing who truly rules over them. The whole point of the political systems of the modern “democracies” is not to express the will of the people, but rather, prevent it from being realized. Yes, this is an inversion of what you were taught in school, but if you haven’t figured out by now that what you are taught in school is an inversion of the truth, you really haven’t been paying attention.

If the self-styled defenders of democracy actually believed in democracy, they would be actively seeking to remove its legal limitations such as the courts, the parliaments, the senates, and the executive agencies. We have the technology for direct democracy and we have the legal framework for referendums, which means we have the ability to directly apply the clearly-expressed will of the people to every single political issue of the day.

And yet, the will of the people is relentlessly resisted and denied.

This is why the “authoritarian” models of Russia and China is not only more effective and more popular than those of the so-called “democracies”, but they are more legitimate as well. The very high popularity ratings for both Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are not only real, but they extend well beyond their domestic audiences. In fact, the least popular leaders in the world are all Clown Worlders, Yoon Suk-Yeol of South Korea, Emmanuel Macron of France, Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom, Olaf Scholz of Germany, and the least popular of all, Fumio Kishida of Japan.

When the Clown World strategists plan their color revolutions aimed at regime change, they are very often engaging in the baseless projection of the unpopularity of their own “democratic” leaders onto other nations. But the nations of the world finally understand that the “freedom and democracy” banner under which the Empire of Lies has spread is now no more legitimate than the Communist promise of a Worker’s Paradise.


Mailvox: The War on Knowledge

An email from a reader illustrates how even the profession of the Librarian has been inverted in order to destroy the knowledge they are charged with preserving.

My wife and I are volunteers for the Friends of the Library at the branch library in the college town where we first met, where every year we help out at the book sales. A month ago we received a peculiar donation. It turns out the new director of the library at our alma mater made the decision to liquidate the library’s special collections. Among those liquidations was a special collection library that had been initiated in the nineteenth century by a member of college founder’s immediate family.

In my years at college, I treasured this special library – it was housed in an elegant top-level room in the college’s oldest building, and required special access to visit. Nearly all the books were old, and all of them were on special subjects of great interest to me – literature, poetry, theology, the sciences. Many titles had bookplates with the names of the alumni who donated them over the years.

After some investigation I discovered that this new head of the college library pulled all of the books out of that special library, and put them in an enormous rented bin in the main lobby, with a sign suggesting that students could use them for art projects and scrapbooking, you know, to cut and paste their contents to express themselves and be “creative.” The majority of books sat there for weeks, and then she called our group to donate them to our book sale.

The last day of the book sale is bag day, where a brown grocery bag of books is only a dollar. What the library doesn’t sell at the end of sale is brought to a pulper. I pulled all of these books and placed them in private storage—if I hadn’t, they would have literally been shredded a week ago.

The process is ongoing. I’m told that the librarian is closing all of the special collections in all departments of the college, so I don’t want to share any names just yet, but before this is over, I hope I’ll have saved at least a thousand out-of-print books.

This is not new. Well over a decade ago, another university library in my state was destroyed. This library, in a literal ivory tower built exclusively for holding and preserving hundreds of thousands of books, was at one time among the top ten libraries in the nation. A new library director had not only decided to gut the
interior of the building and destroy all of the original architectural detail and period decor, but he also pulled out and destroyed a great majority of the books to make room for “computer stations.” They did not sell the books, they did not offer to donate them, and the director specifically instructed staff to discard the books in locked university dumpsters so that they couldn’t be taken by anyone.

The bad, the ugly, and the false. That is the makeup of the world these people are actively contriving and constructing. It really is time to build a consortium of knowledge, physical and digital, containing archives of the world’s books and works that are under attack and being taken away.

The Serpent promises knowledge and provides nothing but ignorance. What we have collectively taken on as a responsibility with Castalia Library and Infogalactic may eventually prove to be one of the most important things any of us have ever done. We are the only true Librarians and we stand between Man and the state of Zero History that Clown World seeks to impose on him.

The Zero Historians need to destroy all human knowledge because only in its absence can they present their lies as truth. And indeed, the better we understand their motives and methods, the more it appears this is not the first time they have attempted such a grand endeavor.

Inversion is always the key. Now it should be perfectly clear what a fundamental lie the asserted conflict between Christianity and Science, and between Faith and Knowledge, has always been.


How the Hapsburgs Took Over England

Or, was Henry VIIIth actually the good guy and was the dissolution of the monasteries motivated by something more than simple royal greed?

The story of Henry VIII is the story of a conflict. The conflict that is occurring is the conflict between Habsburg and Tudor houses. The house of Habsburg is, as they had previously done in many other European countries, attempting to gain political control of England through marriage and through its influence over the Catholic Church.

Which is to say: The Habsburgs are trying to take over England during the reign of Henry VIII.
Henry’s actions – exiting a marriage to a Habsburg connected figure, and exiting the Catholic Church – are direct responses to Habsburg attacks on England’s sovereignty through those same two avenues. The Habsburg attack comes through marriage and the Catholic Church.

However I have never seen that story recounted. Instead, I have only seen bizarre retellings where half the plot is left out, the Habsburg part. Obviously, if you omit the geopolitical motivation for Henry VIII’s actions from the story then his actions seem insane. The situation reminds me a little bit of the experience of accidentally walking into a spiderweb. Have you ever done this? It is totally jarring. You flail your hands and look like an idiot trying to get the bits of spiderweb off of your face. To an outside observer who can’t see the spiderweb you just walked into, you look spastic, manic. But there is a reason you’re acting that way. The conflict with the Habsburgs is that spiderweb for Henry VIII. You need to know it is there to understand his actions.

Is there any evidence of a Habsburg coup attempt? The evidence I have that the Habsburgs are trying to take over England during this period is that the Habsburgs do take over England in this period.

What? Yes. ‘Bloody Mary’ Tudor weds Phillip II Habsburg – the son of the Habsburg Emperor – just 5 years after the death of Henry VIII.

Phillip Habsburg becomes King of England Jure Uxoris – joint sovereign with Queen Mary. England comes under Habsburg control, along with Spain, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Flanders, Bohemia, Germany, Italy, Hungary and… Did I forget any? At this point the Habsburgs are basically kings of the Universe, totally drunk with power. In England they are literally burning their enemies at the stake.

The Habsburg method for expanding their territory was fairly simple:

  1. Find a failing kingdom in need of aid or protection.
  2. Offer to use your influence in the Catholic Church to aid the Kingdom in exchange for an advantageous marriage, protection money, or both.
  3. Betray the Kingdom and use your influence instead to install your newly wed Habsburg as the sole sovereign.

Are you starting to understand why the story of a medieval Republican who miraculously defeats something that looks suspiciously like today’s democratic institutional oligarchy has never been properly told?

The Habsburg Coup in Henry VIII’s England

I’ve literally never, ever, heard this theory before, but at first glance, it sounds extremely persuasive. It also tends to raise an obvious question about the ethnicity of the Hapsburgs, who were both highly consanguineous and physically deformed. They certainly appear to have worked out their own method of “color revolutions” centuries before the neocons, although it may simply be that they were inspirations for the Rothschilds rather than predecessors of some kind.

And, of course, it would be yet another example of a “religious war” actually being about something other than the purported religious conflict, which tends to track with what we’ve learned about everything from the Crusades to the 30 Years War.

To think some people actually believe that history is boring… Definitely read the whole thing!


Subscribe, Scan, and Stockpile

Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies predicts a Clown World campaign against books:

Soon, you will see a silent undertaking to destroy the last decentralized form of offline knowledge:


If the elites don’t do this, then these books will be turned into training AI about the true history of the last 2000 years.

I highly recommend a) subscribing to one of Castalia’s series, b) scanning any unique book to which you have access, and c) stockpiling both books and electronic texts. The latter should be in the simplest possible forms, either PDF or TXT format.

We are the monestaries for the 21st Century and beyond. The Zero Historians are coming to destroy all human knowledge and neither the atheists nor the agnostics are going to stop them. So it again falls to us.


Judgment, Not Blessing

The Christian Zionists who are on AIPAC’s payroll are even worse theologians than Calvinists and comedians. This is what a complete rhetorical blowout looks like.

The fact that the Jewish organizations in the USA are actually suing to remove the Ten Commandments from public schools should be sufficient to convince even the most rabid Christian Zionist that modern Jewry has an inverted connection to the historical Hebrew people, religion, and culture. It won’t be, but it should be.

God’s promises of blessings to Man have always been contingent on Man’s subsequent behavior. And one need only look at the current state of Israel, or, for that matter, the current state of the USA, to know that it is not God they serve, and that it is God’s judgment, not God’s blessings, that should be anticipated.

It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.

–Romans 9:6-8


Diversity and Finance

Are why nothing works anymore. From /pol/:

Finance bros are ruining society. Boeing is just the start. Everything you rely on to “Just Work” in your day to day life, in a few years, will no longer be trustworthy. Regular people are soon going to need to inspect every bridge they walk on. Companies don’t give a piss about ensuring safety anymore.

Companies are now being ran by fratdouche finance bros who all feel they deserve prestigious Wall Street positions because they got a C in College Algebra. All these colleges are pushing out thousands of these retards who basically spent four years learning arts/crafts + Excel, and they all think they deserve a job. The worst are the Patagonia douches from big schools like UPenn who are just as stupid and uneducated as the rest, but still think they’re smarter than everyone else because of their school where they learned no math/science/art/history.

The corporate world loves these retards even though they’re inept across the board, and they get put in positions of power. Shareholders demand infinite growth from companies that have clearly peaked, and the finance bros deliver by cutting overhead, starting with safety, engineering, testing, & maintenance.

Corporate sees people like me as annoying chuddjaks trying to ruin their fun, and whenever shit goes belly up, these fucks just collect their bonus, update their resume, and move to the next company.

The worst part is maintenance isn’t a blue collar field of retards anymore. Aircraft maintenance especially is full of skilled, highly-trained technicians who will bounce at the first sign of corporate mistreatment. Finance fags think these guys are toothless retards who will work for anything, when they’re actually sending daily, 6-figure job offer emails straight to their spam folders. I work in energy production, and it’s no different here. I can’t hold onto talent with the way corporate shits on these men like they’re lucky to even have a job.

This is the inevitable end game of reducing everything to mere numbers. And it’s only going to keep getting worse from here, so the more you develop a community that can provide everyone with what it needs, the better off you’re going to be.

Milton Friedman and Leonard Read can stick their proverbial pencils up their deceased posteriors. Free trade, like free speech, was always a satanic trap. As I wrote years ago, we’ll be lucky if we still have indoor plumbing when things hit their nadir.

Collect old books. Preserve their knowledge. You’re going to need it, because imposing social justice limits on AI is going to break Wikipedia soon.


The Sack of London

It’s more of an ongoing situation than an event, but the end result will be the same.

Crime has soared in London after more than 100 local police stations were shut down – and people living and working in the areas left without one are furious about it, a MailOnline investigation has found. It emerged this week that only 36 police stations remain open in the capital compared to the 160 that the city had in 2008 – a reduction of an astonishing 77%. The cuts have doubled the distance an average Londoner has to travel to their nearest manned police help desk to around two miles – with researchers warning criminals were specifically targeting areas the Met has abandoned.

Although, in fairness, there really isn’t any need for a police force that keeps the borders open, ignores foreign rape gangs, and primarily focuses on thought-policing the native population that doesn’t support Clown World’s intended destruction of the English people.

As the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom very well know, civilization is racism. If you are anti-racist, you are literally anti-civilization; remember, the term racism was coined by a white man who actively sought to destroy every aspect of American Indian language and culture to describe those Indians who wished to preserve their own way of life.


The Harsh Lessons of History

One of the great benefits of reading history is that it provides the reader with an informed perspective to interpret current events. As I was scheduling future posts for the daily Castalia Library serialization of the 1911 edition of The Cambridge Medieval History, I came across this very timely section on the economic challenge faced by the Roman emperors in the early Third Century.

Serious economic difficulties have moral causes, and there was no radical cure short of a complete change in the temper of society. Yet much might have been done by a permanent reduction of taxation and a reform of its incidence and of the methods of collection. Instead of this, the machinery of government (and its expense) was greatly increased. The army had to be held in check by courts of Oriental splendour and a vast establishment of corrupt officials. We can see the growth of officialism even in the language, if we compare the Latin words in Athanasius with those in the New Testament. So heavier taxes had to be levied from a smaller and poorer population. Taxation under the Empire had never been light ; in the third century it grew heavy, under Diocletian it was crushing, and in the later years of Constantine the burden was further increased by the enormous expenditure which built up the new capital like the city in a fairy tale. We are within sight of the time when the whole policy of the government was dictated by dire financial need. We have already reached a state of things like that we see in Russia.

That passage anticipated the October Revolution by six years. Given that there are absolutely no indications that the American people are in any moral condition to force “a complete change in the temper of society” or even to stop the massive invasion of the last 59 years, it’s possible that we will see the political collapse I predicted would take place in 2033 as soon as 2030.

Simplicius notes that the Clown World elite that rules the USA appears to finally be aware that their predatory, self-serving governance has weakened the empire to the point they are in danger of being swept away completely.

I’ve written previously on the panic currently effervescing through the global elites, made viscerally apparent at conclaves like the Davos forum earlier this year. But in America particularly, a deep worry is now consciously gnawing the ruling class—they can see it, feel it: that the American Empire is on its last legs, close to collapse.

This month has seen a bevy of new thinkpieces from top American deepstate figures or old-guard publications urging the changing of course, lest the country be swept away by the remorseless tide of history… This is the theme which recurs again and again throughout the new zeitgeist taking over political discourse in the stricken Beltway—panicking neocons are exhorting each other: we’re in a fight for our lives, if we don’t accept the new realities, we’ll drown!

Ruling Class Finally Awakens to the Reality of America’s Decline, 22 June 2024

The clowns won’t be able to do anything to reverse the decline, or even slow it, of course. Subversion, rhetoric, corruption, and doubling-down are all they know how to do, but none of those tactics work when you’re the one in charge and you’re responsible for maintaining the social order. The more they subvert, the more they corrupt, and the more they double down, the weaker their position becomes.


Expect Surprises

They’re either going to have Biden so cranked up on stimulants that he’ll be hopping around the stage like a kangaroo on crack and shouting “whooo” more often than a college freshman after downing her first cocktail or they’re planning to introduce Biden #6.

Citing sources, CBS News told their audience to “expect some surprises” on Biden’s “physical performance” at next week’s presidential debate. President Trump and Joe Biden will face off in the first presidential debate next Thursday. The debate will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta. “I’m told that we should expect some surprises as well because this is such a critical performance for Biden. Not only on the content but his physical performance,” CBS News said.

I have to admit, this is the first thing that has actually made me consider the possibility of watching the Trump-Biden debate… or, as is much more likely, some of the highlights after the fact.