Where Chuck Tingle Feared to Tread

Fandom Pulse covers the latest abomination from DC Comics, namely, a bizarre new comic entitled Nothing Butt Nightwing:

Nightwing used to be Batman’s sidekick Dick Grayson, the original Robin, who was spun off into his own character as he grew up. The most famous incarnation is Chuck Dixon’s run on the character where he developed a full cast and supporting characters for the former boy wonder.

Now, DC Comics has turned Nightwing into more wokeness with a couple of new offerings in October. With DC Comics “All In” initiative it’s supposed to be a jumping on point for new readers, but it seems more like a jumping off point given how insanely far they’re going to virtue signal to the LGBTQIA+ community.

First, we have Nothing BUTT Nightwing, a strange book that turns Dick Grayson into some kind of bizarre gay fantasy. The title reads like a parody, some sort of Chuck Tingle Amazon porn novel version of the character, but the interiors aren’t much better.

Every time you think the SJWs have reached bottom, they prove you’re not only wrong, but that your imagination is too limited to encompass the depths of their depravity and degradation.

If you ever wondered whether supporting Arkhaven is justified, this new DC comic should suffice as conclusive proof. DC is definitely going “all in” in a very reprehensible manner.


The Well Runs Dry

France and Germany are throwing in the towel on Ukraine. Not all at once, of course, but the writing is clearly on the wall.

The heavyweights of Europe — France and Germany announced a reduction in funding for Ukraine. Not far from the time when The EU will also abandon anti-Russian sanctions, the observer is sure Pravda.Ru Lyubov Stepushova.

France, which promised assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 3 billion euros this year, reduced it by 1 billion, that is, by a third. This is caused by problems in the budget — its deficit for 2024 may amount to about 6% of the country’s GDP, which is unacceptable, according to EU rules. French Defense Minister Sebastian Lecorniu in an interview with Politico clarified that he does not plan to request additional funds from the parliament for Kiev by the end of this year.

Germany has also cut aid to Ukraine by half since the new year. According to German media, according to the budget for 2025, it will decrease from 7.1 billion euros this year to 4 billion euros next year.

It would be much better to make Ukraine go cold turkey and put pressure on the Kiev regime to surrender unconditionally instead of pointlessly wasting more Ukrainian lives in a futile effort to maintain a false posture that will neither fool nor impress the Russians into settling for less than they believe they require for a lasting peace. In the aftermath of the NATO expansion and Minsk betrayals, Russia is not in a hurry to reach any sort of settlement that is simply going to lead to another war in a decade when its position might be less advantageous.

The undeniable military reality is that Ukraine has to accept whatever Russia decides to demand; only then can the massive work of attempting to rebuild a smaller and less ambitious Ukrainian state begin. The other option is that Russia will simply continue its war of attrition until Kiev falls to its forces, so the sooner Kiev surrenders, the better for everyone.

1.8 million casualties, of which 780,000 are KIA since February 2022. And for what? About the only substantive accomplishment was permitting Kiev to serve as a massive short-term money-laundering center for the global elite.

The inflexion point has been reached. The Pax Americana, the neo-liberal world order, and the post-WWII era have ended. The locii of power have shifted from London and Washington to Moscow and Beijing. This is the new global reality. This is now the context in which all geopolitical and military and economic policies must be understood.


Harvard Ethics in 2024

Harvard’s celebrity honesty and ethics expert appears to have faked her data and plagiarized both published papers and student theses:

Harvard University honesty researcher Francesca Gino, whose work has come under fire for suspected data falsification, may also have plagiarized passages in some of her high-profile publications. A book chapter co-authored by Gino, who was found by a 2023 Harvard Business School (HBS) investigation to have committed research misconduct, contains numerous passages of text with striking similarities to 10 earlier sources. The sources include published papers and student theses, according to an analysis shared with Science by University of Montreal psychologist Erinn Acland.

Science has confirmed Acland’s findings and identified at least 15 additional passages of borrowed text in Gino’s two books, Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life and Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed, and How We Can Stick to the Plan. Some passages duplicate text from news reports or blogs. Others contain phrasing identical to passages from academic literature. The extent of duplication varies between passages, but all contain multiple identical phrases, as well as clear paraphrases and significant structural similarity…

Acland says she decided to “poke around” into Gino’s work in September 2023, after the researcher filed a $25 million lawsuit against HBS and the data sleuths who uncovered the misconduct. Acland focused on plagiarism, rather than data issues, because of her experience detecting it in student work. She searched phrases from Gino’s work on Google Scholar to see whether they matched content from other works.

She says she found apparent plagiarism in the very first sentence of the first work she assessed, the 2016 chapter “Dishonesty explained: What leads moral people to act immorally.” The sentence—“The accounting scandals and the collapse of billion-dollar companies at the beginning of the 21st century have forever changed the business landscape”—is word for word the same as a passage in a 2010 paper by the University of Washington management researcher Elizabeth Umphress and colleagues.

Trust the science, right?

This woman is obviously deeply unsuited for her job, but she should be fired for sheer stupidity, rather than plagiarism. Because if you’re dumb enough to still be plagiarizing other people’s work when you can simply have Chat GPT or some other AI simply crank out whatever text you need, you aren’t smart enough to be employed in 2024. Plus there is the added benefit of AI being reliably wrong with regards to statistics, so you’ll be off the hook for any data fakery as well.

Cabanac has found almost 100 cases of obviously AI-generated scientific papers, which he called “only the tiny tip of the iceberg.” A recent study by the librarian Andrew Gray used words that appear disproportionately often in text generated by ChatGPT — among them commendable, intricate, and meticulously — to estimate that 60,000 scholarly papers were at least partially generated by AI in 2023.


The Mediocre Death Spiral

John Carter explains how the university system and academia is doomed now that it has become women’s work:

If you want your society to produce transcendent excellence in a given field, the only way to do so is to attach a competitive male status hierarchy to it. With status on the line, men will throw themselves into the arena, immersing themselves completely, devoting their every waking moment to mastering a skill or subject, making it their life’s purpose to push a discipline beyond its limits. Competitive pressures between the best of the best then raises performance to its apogee. Iron sharpens iron.

Conversely, if you want reliable mediocrity, then you want women’s work. Women don’t have the same sexual incentive to compete with one another in performance, and so, by and large, don’t (they compete in other ways). Their instinct is to perform to a perfectly acceptable standard, but not, in general, to push themselves to exceed it.

For men, the play-by-play events of a competitive environment are high drama. Not so for women. Women, as the old saying goes, don’t care about the struggles of the competitors: they just wait at the finish line and fuck the winner. The drama women tend to care about focuses more on the heroine’s struggle to distinguish winners from posers, to decide which winner she wants, and/or to stand out from the other girls so she can catch the eye of the winner. “I’m so torn … do I go with the musky barbarian warlord werewolf rapist, or the the aloof immortal billionaire vampire knight?” the heroine asks herself for three hundred pages. How he became an immortal billionaire vampire knight in the first place is of much less interest than whether or not he’s really interested in her.

Men are constantly on the lookout for arenas in which they can prove their worth, and thereby attract a mate or, more accurately, as many mates as possible. Across the myriad competitive arenas that men have invented, there is one common element shared by all of them, which both men and women are exquisitely sensitive to:

An arena cannot be dominated by women.

The reason for this is obvious. The purpose of the arena, from the male point of view, is to demonstrate his worth relative to other men. To enter an arena filled with women is to engage in a lose/lose proposition: if one does poorly, one has been beaten (up) by girls; if one does well, one has beaten (up) girls. Neither outcome is going to impress the girls. Or, for that matter, the guys.

For this reason, men who enter a social environment in which women predominate will tend to make a hasty exit. There is nothing for them there. This is not a social construct which can be corrected with sufficient nagging. It is hardwired into human sexual psychology. There is nothing that can be done about it, short of redesigning human beings from their genes on up. At which point you’re not talking about humans anymore.

You might make people pretend that men do not prefer to compete in male-dominated arenas; you might, through sufficient emotional abuse, give them bad consciences about their natural instincts; you will not, not ever, not even once, change those natural instincts. If you ignore those instincts, you will only awaken the Gods of the Copybook Headings.

This explains two related phenomena, both much deplored by feminists, who are in the business of ignoring human instinct.

  • The first is male flight: the tendency of male involvement in a given profession, occupation, institution, or industry to drop precipitously once a certain threshold of female involvement is surpassed.
  • The second is the low value assigned to women’s work.

Men are no more welcome in any field that becomes female-dominated than they are in the women’s bathroom. Any man who insists on entering such a field is regarded as a metaphorical transgender whose decision to compete with the female majority there is considered intrinsically unfair. Any man choosing to do so will be considered an interloper and opportunist by the women and as less of a man by the men.

As Carter lays out in considerable detail, this process is natural, inevitable, and absolutely unstoppable. We’ve witnessed it taking place in our lifetimes in several fields, and while academia is not something that most of us pay any attention to, we’ve seen it in books, we’ve seen it in comics, and we’ve seen it in video games. Once the women get involved in a field and start demanding mediocrity while simultaneously decrying excellence, the men start walking away. Competition is replaced by consensus, quality collapses, prestige vanishes, and eventually the entire field becomes a wasteland of posers and imposters pretending to be impressed with each other, producing nothing and selling to no one. Profitable productivity is replaced with political parasitism off financial hosts, and when the ability to parasitize is eventually lost, the entire field collapses.

This is probably a good time to start developing alternative credentials based on objective standards. They will be increasingly in demand as the value of academic credentials continue to collapse. Apprentice systems and guilds are also likely to become more important, as the need to demonstrate an actual ability to do the work required replaces paper certificates of implied potential capability.


A Bit More Fuel for the Fire

I responded to the Committee’s response to my response to its response to Ron Unz’s original piece on Sigma Game. In which, among other things, I pointed out that I am not, and have never been, an Alpha.

I’m not quite sure what posing for a picture with his mother is supposed to prove, but for one thing, I’m not an Alpha. Indeed, I had to come up with the concept of the Sigma just to articulate how and why I am not an Alpha and should not be relied upon as an Alpha despite my high socio-sexual status that was often confused for being an Alpha.

Please to enjoy…

Also, we’re doing Arkhaven Nights tonight, with a very special guest: Science Fiction Grandmaster John C. Wright. If you enjoy comics, fantasy, or science fiction, you won’t want to miss it.


The Readers Speak

The subscribers and other interested parties have spoken. Here is how they answered:

  • 86 percent of the Substack readers said they were seriously interested in a new Christian-themed subscription.
  • 75 percent of the Library/History/Libraria subscribers said they would subscribe to a new two-book subscription as detailed.
  • The most popular books requested were written by: St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, CS Lewis, and GK Chesterton.

There were a small number of Catholic objections to Protestant classics such as Pilgrim’s Progress and The Canterbury Tales. However, since this will be a Christian subscription, and not a Roman Catholic subscription, and since several of the most requested authors were Protestants, classics from the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant traditions will all be considered. But let’s face it. Everyone who reads me knows that, sooner or later, you’re getting Aquinas.

Given the overwhelmingly positive response, we anticipate announcing the new Castalia subscription in the new year. In the meantime, both volumes of WAR AND PEACE are on their way to the warehouse and STUDIES IN THE NAPOLEONIC WARS should follow next week.

Also, if you’re a History subscriber, be sure to check your email.


Miles Mathis Responds

Nothing, in the entire history of the concepts of fate and destiny, has ever been more inevitable than the absolute certainty that Miles Mathis would respond to Ron Unz’s article about him. I have literally never, ever, had more faith in an future event taking place in my entire life. And the inevitable does not disappoint.

I suspect his aggregate content is far greater than the combined total for every other conspiracy-website on the Internet.

Yeah, Ron, I suspect you are right, and I suspect that is why you are so bent out of shape by my very existence. It’s why all you guys are so jealous. Also because I can pump out a reply like this in just a couple of hours, fully polished and proofed, giving you a further drubbing. Do you know why I can do that, Ron? Obviously you don’t, so I will just tell you. It isn’t because I am some Mossad committee, set up to make you look like a bumbler. It is because I proof while I write. Meaning, I make very few mistakes, so I need very few corrections and almost no rewrites. I am an excellent speller on top of everything else…

Yes, I am laughing out loud. This is so much fun. We have seen before that these people can’t decide how to libel me. Am I too small to notice or too big to be true? One moment I am a big nothing, the next moment I am a $20-million government project of geniuses, sent out to smoke-bomb the entire world. They really need to make up their mind.

Nothing about the huge piles of evidence I provide in all papers on both sites, just the lie that it doesn’t exist or is wrong, based on zero counter-evidence or argument. The “argument” against me hasn’t progressed one iota in two decades, it is still at this baby stage of yelling and throwing food, as Unz and his minions are proving. As we have seen again, they utterly ignore 99.99% of my data, cherry-picking a ten-list of shallow talking points provided from a central tape, then sound-biting that down to a few sentences and peppering it with invective. And then selling that as a scholarly debunking.

Unfortunately, that is going to reverse on Unz, as he is about to find out. Many of his best readers are going to be so turned off by this whole charade they are going to drop him like an old Covid wipe. It won’t much matter, I guess, since his site was propped up by the usual suspects to start with, but it is going to sting his ego, at least.

The matter of whether Miles fronts a committee or not may be unsettled – and as I have said, I tend to incline toward the committee side interpretation myself – but the one thing that has definitely been confirmed is my conclusion that the gentleman concerned is a Gamma male. Of course, this makes sense, as Loremaster is one of the roles for which Gammas are best suited.

The thing is, whether Miles is the lead writer of a committee or just a singularly-obsessed, maniacally-prolific lone penman is irrelevant. Reading him tends to lead toward asking the right questions and developing a correctly skeptical perspective toward the mainstream and historical Narratives. Did every dead Hollywood actor or actress fake their death and move to a hidden Jewish colony in Argentina with Hitler and the Nazis? I have no idea.

But I am certain it’s a lot more possible than the IDF being surprised by the October 7th attacks or the Twin Towers being brought down by airplanes hijacked by Saudis. Frankly, I think the world is a lot weirder than either Ron Unz or Miles Mathis believe, and that their disbelief in the spiritual world prevents them from making the connections that would help tie their observations, however conspiratorial, much more accurately and credibly.

Anyhow, I, for one, am neither jealous nor angry. In fact, I’m quite willing to publish Miles’s papers in a book or ten, should he ever be so inclined.


5-6x Fatality

Just in case all the vaccinated young people dying of heart attacks and turbocancers didn’t clue you in, the Science is finally beginning to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the vaxx might not be good for children.

A new paper published in the peer-reviewed medical literature (Yang) looking at over 300,000 kids aged 5-18 (mostly in the US) shows a highly statistically significant 5.7X higher mortality rate for those who opted to get vaccinated. The authors didn’t mention that at all. Furthermore, when they were asked about it, they refused to comment on it. So I will.

Secondly, a new FOIA response in New Zealand shows nearly a stunning 5X increase in cardiac-related ER visits in those under age 40 after the COVID shots rolled out from 4406 in 2020 to 21416 in the first full year after the shots rolled out. That’s a Z-score of 256 which means something very serious is causing this; it is in no way a statistical fluke.

Of course, it took them about 60 years to admit that putting fluoride in the water is bad for people, so this turnaround is happening in record time. As always, view anything the government recommends as being good, or worse, absolutely necessary, for your health with extreme skepticism. Remember, when they tell you that they want to reduce the population, they’re talking about you.


The Question of a Christian Library

Over on the Castalia Library substack, we’re taking a poll about the possibility of launching a new Christian-themed subscription in 2025. We’re well aware of the various pros and cons; the details concerning what we’re contemplating are spelled out over there. So, if you’d be kind enough to let us know if it’s potentially of interest to you, and if so, what books you’d like to see us produce, please share your metaphorical two cents with us.